Hongchen Wu, Ph.D.
Welcome to my personal website.
I am currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Modern Languages at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
As a linguist, my research topics have primarily been focused on Mandarin Chinese -recent work includes quantifier scope, wh-intermediates, polarity items and negation. These projects are related to my passion of exploring Syntax-Semantics-Prosody interfaces of linguistic expressions, and they all involve the application of experimental methods into theoretical research. At Georgia Tech, I have also led a team of students from different majors to explore interdisciplinary projects, such as evaluation of forced aligner tool in prosody research and English-Mandarin code-switching by bilingual young adults. If you are a student or a researcher interested in collaborating with me, feel free to reach out via email!
I finished my doctoral thesis and graduated with a Ph.D. degree from the beloved Linguistics Department, Stony Brook University in December 2019. My thesis is titled “Quantifier Scope in Mandarin”. I hold an M.A. degree in Chinese Linguistics from Peking University, a B.A. degree in Chinese Language and Literature from Jilin University and a Chinese Teacher Certificate from Teachers College, Columbia University.
If you want to discuss something about linguistics or Chinese languages, you may reach me at any time via email. If you don’t get a prompt reply, feel free to email me again!